The Blokes Book Project
for Hawke's Bay Men and their families
We all want to live longer, healthier lives and together, we can make it happen. Yet every day in New Zealand, 8 families lose a father, partner or grandparent to an illness that could have been prevented. Maori and Pasifika men live shorter lives than other New Zealanders. Nearly one in four Kiwi men won't make it to retirement age. That's a quarter of us.
That's why we created the Blokes Book for Hawke’s Bay with our first edition back in 2020.We believe the Blokes Book is a positive step in supporting local families and communities through Men's health and well being. Hawkes Bay Mens Health Since then we have circulated close to 20,000 free copies across our region, into our community through workplaces, sport clubs and libraries. But it's more than just a book.We have created from scratch a whole new Blokes Book, full of ways to live your best life, tips and information as well as local services here to help you.Local information for local people, we hope this resource helps you or someone you know on their wellbeing journey.
Order copies
for your workplace
or organisation
Order and donate using the "buy me a coffee" button at the top of page
Introducing Elements
our new wellness programme.

For Individuals
Delivered online this wellbeing workshop will help you to introduce new tools into your life. Topics such as identifying the early signs of anxiety to enhancing energy and moods, focussing on optimal brain health while offering practical tips will see you re set and refocus in a whole new light.
For workplaces
Elements delivers practical information in a casual 1 hour wellness session for up to 15 staff.
Get in touch

About us
Community Wellness Hawke's Bay ( also known as Dads HQ) has been around for a while, supporting Dads and their families here in the Bay since 2016.
Seeing a gap in support, locals Shayne and Cath Jeffares, established a support and information network for Dads going through separation the couple then went on to create a resource highlighting services and support for men, now in its third print run.
Contact :
Shayne Jeffares
021 813 877
Hawkes Bay Mens Health
Hawkes Bay Mens Health